Thursday, March 4, 2010

6 Months

Having lived in Dubai for exactly 6 months today, I thought it might be fitting to reflect on my first six months here. Living in Dubai has given me a whole new appreciation for things I took for granted living in the US. It has also given me a much different and broader prospective of the world, that I truly do not think I could have gained happily going about my life in Boston. So, without further ado, here is a summary of our first six months living in Dubai:

Living arrangements: 2 weeks in the Belvedere Court Hotel in Bur Dubai, five and a half months in our furnished apartment in Downtown Burj Dubai. Having a furnished apartment has been great and not having any of our own stuff has retaught me the lesson I've learned every time I've lived abroad (previously in London and Rome at different times while I was in college): that you really need very little to get by and be happy. Our apartment in Boston was jam-packed floor to ceiling with all our stuff (both mine and Jared's parents handed over all our possessions from baseball cards to babybooks telling us they didn't want to store our crap anymore, so we actually have significantly more than an average couple in their late 20's. Most of our friends parents are less brutal and still have bedrooms, basements, and attics at their parent's houses stuffed with mementos from growing up. We don't). However, being here for six months with virtually none of my stuff and my wardrobe down-sized by 90% before I left (thanks Mrs. K!), I realize how much crap I have for no reason. I do miss my kitchen gadgets though, almost daily. Not sure what that says about me as a person, but we already know how important food (and good food) is to Jared and I.

Jobs: Jared, still fairly happily working for the firm who hired him right out of law school 2.5 years ago, me, one job found a week after I arrived, said job quit yesterday. Will begin new job at another tutoring company this week, with possible private tutoring and part-time English teaching, along with actual teaching prospects at an American school for September. Not too bad, I think, considering I left my first tutoring job of my own choosing. More than I can say for what my job prospects would be in Boston right now...

Health and Fitness: have lost seven pounds since I arrived in September, which occasionally comes back when I go home (such as for three weeks at Christmas) or when we have visitors.

Legal Status: FINALLY a legal resident of the UAE, am also licensed to drive here and have just successfully opened a bank account. This is an area of stress in my life here, but I think give it a couple more weeks for the health insurance and PO Box and hopefully I will finally feel settled in regards to bureaucracy.

Things I miss the most (other than my kitchen gadgets and Crate & Barrel/Bed Bath & Beyond [where I buy my kitchen gadgets]): My friends. My little cousins in Wellesley. Beerworks. Seasonal Beer and 3 Buck Chuck. Trader Joes. Target. Cheap toiletries. Seasons (although I can't say I particularly miss winter at the moment). Good cheese. Public Transportation (sadly, who could imagine I'd miss the T. You'd miss it too if you had to drive in suicide traffic everyday). Culture. New England weekend getaways. Boston sports. Starbuck's chai lattes. Being somewhere where everyone talks like me. Unlimited Nights and Weekends. Fast Internet.

Things I love about Dubai: Year-long summer (I'm sure I'll hate it come real summer). New friends. Ethnic food (particularly Indian and Arabic/Lebanese). Reserved seating in movies. Beach Bars and outdoor dining. Grilling. Happy Hour in the Garden. Our infinity pool and free gym on our floor. Running outside in shorts and a t-shirt year round (once again, there is a disclaimer here regarding the months of June, July, and August). BBQing all winter long.

Countries visited: Only Oman, 3 times, but will be heading to Doha, Qatar next month.

So, I definitively love the US and Boston much more than I could ever love Dubai. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to live here though, and don't regret my decision for one minute. The experiences I am getting are without a doubt once in a lifetime. 6 months down, 18 to go... It's not so bad, but I am certain when we are heading into Fall 2011 (when we are planning on moving home at the latest), I will be counting the days. Until then, I will embrace and enjoy the sun and sand of Dubai and my life in the Middle East.

1 comment:

  1. very cute-
    I think it is great that you can look around and appreciate what you have, but also know what you much is little things...
    It is always good to embrace what surrounds you, as you never know when it might end !!!!
