Well, we arrived in London last night at about 7:15pm, and after waiting for our Emirates chauffeur service from the airport (complementary with Jared's Emirates Business Class seat. I won't even get into the resentment currently present in our relationship over him getting to sit in Emirates Business, while I 'enjoyed' my Economy seat on the same plane...) we arrived at our hotel in Central London at about 9:30pm. Miraculously, we weren't all that tired, so decided to go for a walk and explore/try to find some food. Afterall, I wasn't served a 7-course menu in Economy as Jared was in Business, but I digress.
Our hotel is right near the Blackfriars Bridge and Temple. So, we are extremely close to Fleet Street and only about a 15 minute walk from Covent Garden. We decided to walk down Fleet Street, first to find the law office Jared will be working from, and then to find some food. However, it was so late on a Sunday night that most things were closed. Eager to start showing Jared all the sights, we walked up to Covent Garden and found an Italian restaurant with a great outdoor dining area that was still serving. We enjoyed a margherita pizza and toasted pints of beer to celebrate being able to openly eat pork and drink alcohol, OUTSIDE in the summer (all things that are impossible in Dubai at the moment...).
This morning we woke up early, and since Jared didn't have to be to work until 10am, decided to explore some more by going for a long run. We ran over the Blackfriars Bridge and took a left to head along the River toward Tower Bridge (one of my favorite attractions that I thought Jared just had to see immediately). The weather was perfect for running (with a little morning crisp in the air) and we were just embracing actually being able to run outside, in a place that is actually conducive to running (like, with sidewalks and not construction everywhere). We ran down to Tower Bridge and over it, and then passed Tower of London and headed back on the North side of the river. Caught a glimpse of St. Paul's Cathedral and loved running on the path along the river. We had some breakfast at Starbuck's (Chai Latte! HAM and Emmental Croissant!) before I walked Jared to work and did some window shopping while heading back to the hotel. While at Starbuck's I started to plan out my week and how I wanted to spend my days. Probably one of my favorite parts of traveling that I used to do all the time when I studied abroad in Italy, is just to go to a place with absolutely no pre-planned agenda and then do and see what I feel like at the time.
So I walked down to Trafalgar Square from the hotel, and only intended to spend maybe 2 or 2 and a half hours in the National Gallery, before going to the National Portrait Gallery (next door) as well, and then stop in Covent Garden on the way back, with a plan of getting back by 6ish when we thought Jared would be done with work. Well, I got so completely carried away at the National Gallery that I spent 4 whole hours there and stayed until they closed at 6pm, and then high-tailed it back to the hotel (a 20 minute walk) where I found Jared already there for an hour. Oops. This is why I like just planning things on the day depending on what I feel like. I still have another 7 days to go back again and also the Portrait Gallery.
Well, after making poor Jared wait for me, we left immediately to go for a very long walk to Buckingham Palace. Since it stays light so late in London in the summer (until 9:30pm), we are excited to be able to capitalize on the nights after Jared gets out of work to go do things.
I love the pic of you and Jarred! so cute!! :)