Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm a published photographer!

The article, Maclean's Magazine, January 31, 2011 (my photo is in the middle).

I'm a published photographer! So, completely randomly back at the end of December I received a comment on one of my blog entries from a writer at a Canadian magazine called "Maclean's." She said that she was interested in using one of my photos in an upcoming article about the Qatar 2022 Olympic Bid construction. I had never heard of the magazine, and I was slightly skeptical, but I did some research on the magazine and figured it didn't hurt to email her back and see what it was all about. In several email back and forths she indicated that she would like to use one of my pictures from our trip to Doha last April. I never imagined my silly little blog was read by anyone other than family and friends (I mean, I know lots of random people often find my blog while googling around for other things), but it never really occurred to me that someone might actually want to publish one of my pictures. I was delighted and told the woman that she could certainly publish it with my full permission. I didn't hear back for a little bit, and I figured it wasn't going to happen. Late in January I finally heard back and she said that she did run my photo in the magazine story, and that actually, they were going to pay me for the use of my picture! I was completely shocked. How exciting! So I had to complete an invoice and they sent me a check for $75! How fun! So, I am now the proud photographer of an a published photograph! Guess you never know what can happen if you put yourself out there. Below is the image that was published, one of my favorites from Doha, of a street sign that says, "Take Care, Don't kill us, we are at work." Yippee!

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