Monday, April 5, 2010

A Dubai Easter

Happy Dubai Easter! So we've celebrated yet another holiday in Dubai. It was the day after our whirlwind of visitors left, so we wanted a quiet night, although we both worked during the day. Since we couldn't find a ham (my family's tradition, which Mrs. K usually obliges for me, just one of the reasons I love her), we decided to go non-traditional with Julia Child's stuffed leg of lamb. I'm not really a big lamb person (although kebabs are delicious), but we figured after ham, lamb is a pretty traditional Easter meal. I picked Jared up at the mall after work so he could pick up last minute dinner ingredients and he surprised me with a beautiful HUGE bouquet of lilies (my favorite flower -- tied with peonies). So pretty and made our apartment smell amazing for the whole week.

My Easter table decor. Like I've said, I LOVE holidays, so I'm doing what I can to improvise while I'm here without any of my stuff...

Jared is always such a sport and engages in my holiday traditions... like dying eggs. He actually gets really into some of them, and was attempting to do multi-colored eggs with designs.

Our Dubai Easter Basket. Can you tell I love Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs?

So once we got home, Jared went to work de-boning our leg of lamb using directions he found online. His culinary abilities never cease to amaze me. He was able to successfully de-bone our little friend in about 10 minutes (faster than I made the stuffing for it) and then after a little stress involving how we would tie our roast (there is no cooking twine to be found in Dubai) we were able to skewer it together using bamboo kebab skewers. With the help of our meat thermometer, Jared cooked the lamb perfectly with a side of garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. We finished with some chocolate bunny and had a lovely Easter despite being 6000+ miles away from family. Although we enjoyed ourselves, hopefully we don't have to do too many more Dubai holidays.

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