Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ritz Lagoon

Our routine continued Saturday morning when we woke up and promptly headed to the Club Lounge for breakfast, before heading back to the pool for some R&R.

Jared at the Pool. Actually smiling. He was happy.

Since the whole weekend was just so lovely it is hard to say what my favorite part was, although it might have been the pool area/lagoon at the Ritz. An absolutely gorgeous pool made to look like a lagoon with rocks and a waterfall. I loved it!

Jared in the waterfall. His personal heaven.

Enjoying the Waterfall.

Once again, yet another thing I was obsessed with during the weekend.

Jared enjoying the pool area. Notice the little cabana hut on the left. They had underwater bar stools and the little ledge you see is actually the bar. You can enjoy drinks and/or your lunch while sitting in the pool. I thought it was pretty novel, although Jared kept saying, "oh, that's no big deal Jen, they have those everywhere..." Where I ask?? So cool.

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