Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Corniche

Both of us with the Doha skyline.

As we got to the more urban part of our Corniche walk, there were some murals painted on walls blocking the pedestrian area from the road. A Bedouin man is depicted in this one.

A desert scape.

We really enjoyed some of the road signs. Apparently Qatar appreciates their laborers more than the UAE.... "Take Care: Don't Kill Us. We Are At Work." Nothing like getting straight to the point.

Qatar is hoping to host the Olympics in 2022, after their bid for 2016 failed. To be honest, Qatar is lovely and I think it would be a much better place (with a much more established infrastructure and more development capital available) than Rio. An Olympics in the Middle East would be fantastic!

So after our 4+ mile death march along the Doha Corniche, we were quite knackered. We took a taxi back to the hotel and headed to our favorite place the Club Lounge for some drinks and pre-dinner nibbles. We debated what we wanted for dinner before ultimately deciding to go back to the Admiral's Club from the night before and then had more drinks in the Lounge before calling it another early night due to exhaustion. A really relaxing wonderful day though!

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