Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Busy Busy Busy Busy...

Ahhh. I have been soooo busy since I started my job at the school! I am not complaining because I love being busy, and I am really enjoying working in a school. However, it is a big adjustment to go from working 2-8pm Sunday through Thursday (aka Monday through Friday) to working 8am to 4pm at the school, followed by 4:30-6:30 or 7:30pm tutoring, all weekdays, and then working at least 2-4 hours one day of the weekend (Sylvan would like me to work both, but I am refusing since I think I need one day of the week completely off to decompress from children). Ok, I do realize that working 12 hour days and having only 1 day of weekend is considered 'normal' by many people's lifestyles and standards, but it's a HUGE change for me, and I am finding it to be stressful, especially considering the compensation isn't great (read: I am making less than I was working 30 hours a week at my first job... but I am actually getting paid and working legally, which is an improvement). So while it's stressful to work so much (and hard to make myself get up at 6am to run before work... I am far from a morning person, although Jared insists that using the excuse "I'm not a morning person" is invalid if you are an adult), it still better than my first job from hell.

So, in case you were wondering, I did not fall off the earth, but it's just that Jared and I have become incredibly boring since I started working so much, and I also have no time or energy to do much of anything besides try to function on a daily basis, while attempting to exercise regularly (I am becoming obsessed with swimming since I FINALLY bought new goggles and can actually swim laps without water coming in my goggles every lap) and eat reasonably healthy. Oh, and find time to clean my apartment since we're still refusing to hire a cleaning person, despite the fact that everyone I know here thinks I am crazy (it is unheard of to not have a cleaning lady here, since it's so cheap, literally like $6 an hour). So, that's what we've been up to... More visitors one week from today though, so we're excited for that, and my life is bound to get more fun and interesting again then!

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