Friday, May 14, 2010

I won a raffle!

I am so excited that I actually won a prize (I never win anything), that I had to post it! I won a raffle at work. Yesterday was Teacher Appreciation Day at school and so along with having a catered buffet lunch (mmm. Arabic mezze), there were giant baskets of goodies being raffled off. Most of the baskets were things that I wouldn't have any interest in whatsoever (children's art supplies, a basket of girls and boys children's books, etc). The only basket that looked like something Jared and I would enjoy was a basket of Teas & Coffee. I put my name in for it, and low and behold, around 2:30pm, the Tea & Coffee basket was delivered to me in the library! Such fun! I was so excited! The basket had about 8-10 different kinds of tea, 2-3 different kinds of coffee & espresso, sweetener, Starbuck's and Caribou Coffee gift vouchers, a few mugs (including a UAE Starbuck's one!), a tea diffuser, and unglazed/undecorated mugs with vouchers to "Design Our Own" mugs at Cafe Ceramique. It totally made my weekend, and now we'll be drinking free caffeinated beverages for the next year! Yippee!!

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