Saturday, May 29, 2010

Inside the Mosque

Me & Jared inside the Mosque. It was very lush and opulent and you had to leave your shoes outside as is true of any mosque you enter (I've only ever been in one other one -- the Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai, which is also open to non-Muslims, but if you ever walk by a mosque during call to prayer time you can see hundreds of pairs of shoes outside some of the bigger mosques).

The giant carpet. So beautiful and of course, the largest Persian rug in the world. The carpet took about two years to weave with upwards of 1,200 weavers working around the clock. It also has 'built-in' raised lines for the people to line up while praying. Kind of insane.

Flowers seemed to be the theme in the Mosque.

One of the apses (if they are called that in a Mosque).

Chandelier close-up. I told you I was obsessed. Sometimes it's fun to be a tourist. Much to Jared's chagrin (although he was as much of a shutter bug that day as me!).

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